Days are hard…

So while I am a practicing artist a lot of people don’t know that since my daughter was born five years ago I have been a stay home parent. While I used to get 2.5 days a week to dedicate to my practice, applications, grants and research while she was in nursery, this has been no more for the past what 80 …. ( 90+ days ?) I have lost track now thanks to covid, and my wife still works the 9-5 grind from home. This child’s energy, imagination, ideas, questions and thirst for knowledge NEVER STOP, she wakes up like a shot every morning and is out cold at bed time. I am not complaining and my hat is off to all you single parents cause if I didn’t have my wife I would have sold the wee one ages ago for parts. But it is exhausting, and for me, while in five year old make believe land the back of my mind is still spinning with project ideas, new techniques and concepts. At the end of most days I am shattered and just wan’t to watch tv or play ps4. But I still always try to do a bit more writing, social media interaction and other odds and ends to promote my work. If I don’t I feel like I am falling behind and failing, I often still feel that way because I haven’t tried that mad idea that popped in my head last Tuesday night at 3am. I have to always tell myself it’s ok, everything is on hold for many people right now, especially in the arts. I have time, and I need still need to digitise and document the previous 30+ mad ideas from the last six months…….……..


Black Holes


Some ideas don’t work, but a small part does