Just keep it simple…
Currently going through some writing to finalise the statement for the "Time and Space" project. I generally avoid saying Artist Statement outside of formalities if I can. The idea of the "artist statement" is fine if you keep it genuine. Give the viewer an explanation, a bit of background on what they are looking at. Unfortunately for the most part "Artist Statements" are an incoherent diatribe of art speak and confusion that not even the writer really understands, but does know that their final year Uni professor would have loved it, and so it must be good. A way to make the lifeless, boring images of your work come to life! Sorry mate you can't go on about the meaning of the cosmos and then present the visual of a ruler in a dusty corner .......
Anyways, here is an image that may end up in the series.
"Can the Void Burn?" - Cliche Verre- 4x5" B&W negative exposed via fire (micro explosions) to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue and film