The space in between…

Going through the "Space and Time" series again. Currently stuck on a new image I have been working on for a while, so I am going back and doing some "maintenance" of older work while I try to sort new work out in my head. I need to get the space and time work on the website but I have been holding out in hopes it could have the debut it deserves in a gallery. That was the original plan when I finished it a couple years ago but covid scrapped all that. The problem now is that all the galleries are shite, mainstream/popular galleries can't take the chance on new or interesting work cause they need the guaranteed sales to make ends meet (Not that they would anyways but thats a separate rant) and the smaller galleries are over priced and at that level ur basically paying for an arty piss up for all your friends and acquaintances, so whats the point?
No probably best to just get it up on the website and have one less thing on the to do list. Problem now is narrowing it down to a reasonable number to represent the series as a whole .....

Cliche Verre Print - 4x5" negative exposure via fire (micro explosions) to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue and film.


One more for the road…


Self as……B&W Version