Work, concept and practice in motion pt 3

So that’s it, Uncontrolled Abstraction: The Elements is over right? No, in one way yes but in another way, not by a long shot. In the middle of the project I realised I was making allot of work that didn’t fit how I would like it to with the theme of “the elements” Yes I was using natural elements, but the other side of the project was using the elements to create alternative landscapes. What I was seeing were more cosmic or if you would “spacescapes” so ideas of a follow up project were already spinning.

 While researching the elements which seems pretty simple right, earth, air, water fire there you go. So I started looking more into how the idea, representation, time and cultures viewed the elements. And while every culture and civilisation has the four basic elements in one way or another they also all have a fifth, the fifth is the void or aether. It has many different explanations but in the end it is the space beyond space, or the space beyond understanding, and I find that interesting.


In the absence of light ……


Devoured light