Vintage memories part …. whatever
More along the lines of the previous "vintage memories" works. A combination of collage and cliche verre.
Cliche Verre style print created from a 4x5" colour negative exposed directly to three layered plates.
Stuff in the works …
Happy to say that I have had two works accepted into Street Level Photoworks annual show which will be on display towards the end of this month. No spoilers though, so here is something new and completely different.
Cliche Verre style print created from a 4x5" colour negative exposed directly to three layered plates
Vintage memories and genetic decay ....
Cliche Verre style print created from a 4x5" colour negative exposed directly to three layered plates.
Are we now?
I suppose "We are all cosmic decay" is far less comforting and poetic ....
Cliche Verre Print - 4x5" Colour negative directly exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Burn out, or fade away…
Sooner or later, you burn out and go dry....
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Fomapan Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
After a while, you won’t even notice anymore ….
Perhaps all you are is hidden in your code ....
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Fomapan Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
With a terrible gnawing, screeching sound ….
And so the cogs of my mind grind on .... and on.....
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Its Genetic ……
Genetics is an interesting subject, microscopic sequences that have portions of your past, present, future, curses and blessings all in one tidy package .....
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Vintage Doppelganger
So the show ended last week and wen't great. Now back to new work and preparing for another show in the near future of work in Progress.
This one isn't the strongest but its a good example of many layers using different techniques. A solar print created using a bit of collage, cliche verre and a few other things. The portrait is actually a vintage photograph from over 100 years ago, I found it interesting because he looked so much like me with my hair style from 30 years ago lol.
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving vintage photograph and film
Never enough….
There never seems to be enough hours in the day and there is no rest for the wicked! Between family, school (started back in August this time in mechanical engineering) and work there has been precious minutes left for art. However thats ok, being busy is good, although tiring, it is only temporary and schedules change. I will hopefully be posting finalised dates and creating an event for the opening of my solo show in Glasgow tomorrow (which is just over two weeks away!) In the meantime here is a somewhat new image.
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Fomapan Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film and then scanned.
Solo show in Glasgow!
Very happy to announce that I will be having a solo show of my project Uncontrolled Abstraction: The Elements middle of next month (February) at the amazing @salt_spacecoop in Glasgow! exact times and opening date to be announced!
The devils in the detail …..
There are allot of recurring themes in this new body of work, some are very literal and pictorial and others are completely abstract and paradoxical. I spend allot of time thinking about the concept of each project but the image always takes precedent and most of the time the concept comes after the image. I have an idea of what I wan't to make and depict and then I mould those images into a concept or idea or thought I wan't to convey. For myself I guess it is more matter over mind or maybe even substance theory ......
Cliche Verre / sun print - 5x7" b&w fibre paper exposed to a plate and then scanned.
New year, new work and all that jazz…
So here we are now in 2022, remember when it was a pain at the new year because you would always write the wrong dates on your checks? Anyways, new year, new work and all that jazz. The images I will be posting are all experiments with colour film and paper and colour images using B&W paper. All are analogue and have a twist of digital as well. I will get into the subject matter later on as it is a pretty loaded subject.
This one was created using a form of Cliche Verre and sun printing techniques. The photographic paper was then scanned as colour and thats why you get some pretty strange and interesting colour shifts.
Get down with the sickness ….
The Edwards house is full of the cold today ..... eugh. Still managing to go through some work prints in my spare time though!
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Physical layers
So images like this one consist of layers, lots and lots of layers. Not digital layers in photoshop though, layers of thin plastic sheets with hand altered images on each one. Then in this example placed over b&w photographic paper then weighed down with a glass sheet and exposed with a UVB bulb for several hours.
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Just keep printing…
And it will always move on and on and on ....
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, engraving and film
Going through the sift……
Currently sifting through tons of these, amazing how many little 4x5" prints you can pump out throughout several weeks when you are on a roll!
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue, engraving and film
A little bit more
Once the paper has been exposed, I then make a high res scan, or if I think the scan will completely over expose the paper I take a photo of it. I then fix the image in an attempt to permatize the image however this generally destroys it 70% of the time.
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper exposed to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue, engraving and film
Is there more colour in B&W?
Alright, so since June I began working with creating "Colour" Images. I say "colour" because this was created using Ilford Fiber B&W paper. My current practice is all about experimenting with colour analogue photography. This particular image is a combination of Cliche Verre and sun printing. A plate is created using a sheet of glass or perspex and is then added to and reduced using various techniques and materials such as etching, ink, carbon, scratching, paper, sand, dust and film. The plate is then exposed to the sun, UV B light or a high wattage bulb for anywhere between 30min to 8 hours.
Cliche Verre/Sun Print - Ilford Fiber Glossy Paper to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue, engraving and film
Dark or Deep?
Not everything deep is dark .... Another Cliche verre print from a 4x5" Colour negative .... not to bad for Film that expired almost 20 years ago.
Cliche Verre Print - 4x5" colour negative exposed via fire (micro explosions) to a plate consisting of Carbon, alcohol, ink, steel, glue, engraving and film